XML or JSON - does it matter? Turtle is a turtle, same principals apply, just different structure. What happened to server side rendering? Oh, we do that with fancy frameworks and ton of JS now. All good.
or maybe a little .xml but thats all we serve here!
A while ago I stumbled over a corporate site and decided to open the dev tool on a whim. Turns out it’s all XML styled with XSLT stylesheet instead of the usual HTML+CSS. I forgot the name of the site and haven’t found another site that do this since then.
I remember the WoW armory site was like this.
It seems they’ve been rewritten to use standard html+css a while ago. Can’t find any trace of xml there.
Heh, yea, I haven’t touched that game in 13 years so my memory is nothing but a historical anecdote :)
How long until people start using yaml for data interchange
Yeah! But to be fair, it kinda works in the reverse too
Hopefully server side rendered DOM will be a common thing in the new future.
How come you guys aren’t supporting webp in programs. It should be a supported file type in adobe.