a meme with two halves.
on top is a screenshot of the terminal with the following text:
Generated ~/.config/emacs/.local/env
Installing plugins
> Installing straight...
> Installing packages...
> Updating recipe repos...
> Cloning Llink-hint.el...emacsmirror-mirror. ..
> Building link-hint...
> Building link-hint > Cloning avy...
- Checked out avy: be612110cb116a38b8603df36794
> Building link-hint > Building avy...
> Building link-hint...
> Cloning drag-stuff.el...
> Building drag-stuff...
> Cloning company-shell...
the lines installing straight and building drag-stuff are highlighted in red.
on the bottom is Confused Nick Young face
Oh yeah, I didn’t consider the fact that emacs might have a lot of breaking changes (I don’t use it). Thanks.
This is about emacs not having breaking changes and most other platforms(like android) requiring constant updates and maintainance due to their changes in it.