Shaming isn’t the answer for sure, but educating about why entertaining this monopoly further hurts people certainly is. And with gecko/Firefox being the last competing alternative to blink/WebKit, in practical terms, that’s where we are at. Unless there is a drastic change, there’s no hope for an open web to keep existing. And the arrival of a new player is practically impossible due to the complexity of modern web (even Microsoft gave up, Opera couldn’t keep going, etc.)
Shaming isn’t the answer for sure, but educating about why entertaining this monopoly further hurts people certainly is. And with gecko/Firefox being the last competing alternative to blink/WebKit, in practical terms, that’s where we are at. Unless there is a drastic change, there’s no hope for an open web to keep existing. And the arrival of a new player is practically impossible due to the complexity of modern web (even Microsoft gave up, Opera couldn’t keep going, etc.)