I’ve reviewed over 10,000 resumes hiring at startups and large companies. Recently I’ve partnered with some recruiters at MANGA+ companies and started PineappleResume, a free interview guide & paid resume review service - But I’m doing it on Lemmy for free!

How to get a Free Review:

  • Share a link to your resume below (info redacted or not)
  • If there aren’t too many posts, I’ll get to it and give a review

Note if you’re not targeting a general Software Development position, include what role you’re going after and optionally the JD.

    • OsrsNeedsF2P@lemmy.mlOP
      1 year ago

      Non-bulletpoint feedback:

      • Your skills section has bad grouping

        • Take out Methodologies altogether
        • AngularDart isn’t really a language
        • REST is not a platform
      • I would recommend keep Lanugages pure, and do a second BP for technologies, i.e

        • Languages: Java, Kotlin, Python, SQL, Swift, [JavaScript], TypeScript
        • Technologies: Docker, Firebase, Google Cloud, gRPC, REST, iOS, Android, Git, Gradle, Maven
      • Usually people have one for Libraries/SDKs which could help too, since iOS and Android could be moved there (with their SDK equivalents) and it would show off more skills

      • Take out courses

      • Make your projects reverse chronological order

      • Put your start and end date for Education

      Bulletpoint feedback:

      Build iOS App for Local Bar:

      • Apart from Apple pay and Firebase DB (which one?), you did not mention any tech stack you used

      • You spent way too much focus on the “Situation/Task” with virtually no focus on “Action” and zero focus on “Result”

        • I.e “• Worked in agile team: collected user stories, scheduled regular client meetings, held twice-weekly scrum stand-ups • Allowed customers to order drinks, earn reward points in loyalty program, and view calendar of upcoming events • Enabled owners to modify menu items and events for customers to see”
        • Should all be one line: “Developed iOS app for order menus, loyalty program and events using [SDK 1, SDK 2] for [client X] via agile methodology”
      • Then add one more line talking about results, if you have any (how many customers used it/how much scale the app can handle/anything numeric is ideal)

      Craigslist-style Freelancing Job Platform, Android App

      • Same feedback as above. Include more tech details on what tools you used, and give numeric data on the impact (Results)

      Charity Database

      • Include what tools and languages you’re using.
        • I.e. “Designed frontend console UI to display query results in dynamically sized tables”
        • Should be “Designed frontent console UI with Bootstrap5 and AngularDart, supporting 15+ query results and dynamically sized tables”

      Peer-to-Peer File Sync App

      • This line is good - It could be written a little better, but you explain Situation/Task, Action, and Results: “Created decentralized file synchronization network running in Docker containers, written in Java. Scaled up to 200 nodes”

      Contributor to open-source video game project

      • “Contributed features to video game project on GitHub called RuneJS” - Do I know you lol? I’m an ex-2009scape dev. Anyways, include how many features - numeric data pops out.
        • I.e. change to “Contributed 10+ features to Github emulation project RuneJS”
        • Combine “• Implemented a system to play music depending on character’s location in-game, keeping track of discovered music • Added Jukebox functionality allowing users to manually play discovered music tracks by name”
        • I.e. “Implemented music system supporting area based activation and manual play”