Do you create a toolbox (or equivalent) to modify your interactive shell for all those nice little shell commands/programs? Seems like a pain in the ass to have to launch your terminal from a terminal (toolbox --enter whatever, just to have (doom) emacs, fzf, fdfind, qalc, nnn, zoxide etc etc) just to have a comfortable terminal?

    1 year ago

    MicroOS user here. Honestly I love the workflow of using distrobox for about everything I need.

    Essentially I have distrobox images setup for specific development workflows. I just hop into the one that is suited for the task I’m doing. It automatically sets up icons in the Gnome menu if you don’t want to use the cli commands.

    Between flatpaks and containers I couldn’t be happier with my setup. Combine that with the fact I can potentially trust the underlying OS to not crap the bed via updates (and when it does I can roll back my filesystem snapshots) is a win/win.