I’m just tired. On the last post about having Linux at our work, many people that seems to be an IT worker said there have been several issues with Linux that was not easy to manipulate or control like they do with Windows, but I think they just are lazy to find out ways to provide this support. Because Google forces all their workers to use Linux, and they have pretty much control on their OS as any other Windows system.

Linux is a valid system that can be used for work, just as many other companies do.

So my point is, the excuse of “Linux is not ready for workplaces” could be just a lack of knowledge of the IT team and/or a lack of intention to provide to developers the right tools to work.

  • Nolegjoe@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    This post is laughable. I like Linux, it’s very powerful, but it’s like trying to daily drive a kit car. Shit falls apart constantly, and you need to be ready to dive into the guts of it to fix it. I wouldn’t expect the people in accounting, or marketing, or whatever to be willing or able to do that.

    Yes it’s free, but how much will you spend in training, lost productivity due to down time, increased cost of IT time fixing everything?

    Compile your own kernal, or build your own OS??? What a batshit idea. No company I have ever worked at would see that as a good use of time or money.

    People just want to use simple tools that they are familiar with. That is Windows and Office.