After I update the SteamOS 3.5.5 , I want to update/install the flatpak packages with flatpak update -y. this command does not worked and I need sudo access for that. Is this become rule of thumb for flatpak packages for this update?
After I update the SteamOS 3.5.5 , I want to update/install the flatpak packages with flatpak update -y. this command does not worked and I need sudo access for that. Is this become rule of thumb for flatpak packages for this update?
I checked it is a bug that cause conflict between distrobox and Flatpak. So, you have to pick Flatpak or distrobox. So, I need chose Flatpak and I need to delete the podman and distrobox is broken https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak/issues/5104 https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/16mwirf/flatpak_update_issue_in_35_preview_related_to/?sort=new