Hail Satan.

Destiny 2 (Tracker)
Twitch (Low/No-Commentary Destiny 2 gameplay)

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Not surprising. Their watches weren’t really priced well enough for a product that has such a short lifespan. They were charging as much as an actual designer watch which would otherwise last decades, for a product whose non-replaceable battery has a lifespan of only a few years.

    I can’t imagine they had many repeat customers, as a result.

  • A watch face for a smart watch.

    This one guy made a really popular Android Wear watch face that mimicked the Pixel lockscreen. It only cost a few bucks, and people loved it. Due to some personal things in his life, he had to sell the app to a new developer to make ends meet. The new developer then started charging something like $7/WEEK subscription for a watchface that he didn’t even develop in the first place, and runs entirely locally on the device so it’s not like he’s maintaining any servers or anything.

    Absolutely absurd.