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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • I haven’t had a problem.

    iPhone with Screen time and communication limits means I can control how much time they spend in the device and in which apps and I control who they can contact.

    Don’t approve any apps that allow social features.

    Talk to them about the realities of the internet and the wider world.

    All of this has to happen at some point. If you just hand off a phone to an 11 year old or even a 14 year old workout doing any of the above, you’re still going to have issues.

    Much of what is being said about tech is the same as was said about tv and video games. The only studies you’re going to hear about this are the ones that confirm the societal biases.

    If you don’t seek counter opinions of this topic you’re playing into the same fear mongering every generation of parents has had about the new thing.

    Dancing, rock and roll, tv, video games, and now phones. Every time, everyone thinks this time is different and every time it hasn’t been.

  • It would be easier to record than upload. Since upload requires at least a decode steps. Given the fleeting nature of existence how does one confirm the decoding? This also requires we create a simulated brain, which seems more difficult and resource intensive than forming a new biological brain remotely connected to your nervous system inputs.

    Recording all inputs in real time and play them back across a blank nervous system will create an active copy. The inputs can be saved so they can be played back later in case of clone failure. As long as the inputs are record until the moment of death, the copy will be you minus the death so you wouldn’t be aware you’re a copy. Attach it to fresh body and off you go.

    Failure mode would take your literal lifetime to reform your consciousness but what’s a couple decades to an immortal.

    We already have the program to create new brains. It’s in our DNA. A true senior developer knows better than to try and replicate black box code that’s been executing fine. We don’t even understand consciousness enough to pretend we’re going to add new features so why waste the effort creating a parallel system of a black box.

    Scheduled reboots of a black box system is common practice. Why pretend we’re capable of skipping steps.

  • I agree.

    One can’t claim to love programming while calling the act of writing code being a code monkey. Whatever they actually love about the process may not exist in the industry.

    I would suggest they explore alternative roles and perhaps alternative industries. They sound like they are new to the industry so their ability to land a senior role is likely to lead to different disappointments.

    The best way to do something, often isn’t the best way to implement something. That’s why this is a senior role. The author does not appear to understand this concept and will be horribly disappointed when their perfect architecture is ignored by the realities of development.

  • No, I’m good. I’m not here to make friends. I’m not even expecting to challenge anyone’s techno-religion. At best I would say this is devil advocacy but it’s not quite that since it’s not about what I believe or do not believe. But it’s about what others believe and the display of fervent belief in others intrigue me, especially where it exists in the face of clear unambiguous reality.

    For example, Trump supporters fascinate me in this same way. People say being nice is a better approach there as well, but i am not trying to deal with them or change their minds either. In that situation I refer to it as stick poking.

    Again, it’s the belief that intrigues me. The sociology behind it is understudied.

  • Except it’s not. It’s great that you understand most companies are positioned this way but Apple is not. I don’t expect anyone in a technology forum that cannot understand the nuances.

    Paranoia is good but if you choose Google because you falsely believe you have no choice because everyone else is doing it too, then cool.

    I am no pied piper and I wouldn’t want it any other way. I abhor groupthink and while I will never refrain from pointing out the obvious cases of it, I couldn’t care less if anyone listened. People far smarter than I have written on the folly of arguing in these instances.

  • Click bait

    Click bait

    Hardware flaw

    None of this is spyware. Not a single piece.

    If I cared I could have guessed these were some of the examples you added to your “Apple is bad head cannon” but these still aren’t what is being alleged by the original poster, spyware.

    At best you can claim Apple is using terms and conditions to add wiggle room but again, not spyware.

    I asked if you know what spyware is but I get that it doesn’t matter. Your head cannon is unbeatable and it’s easier to dismiss me as a no nothing asshole. The crowd has spoke, this technology forum is more interested in groupthink than technology.

  • There are a lot of smart people making sure Apple hardware supports Linux. There is a limited number of variations, the hardware itself has high built quality and Apple pushes support into the Linux community so the hardware can more easily run Linux.

    The same cannot be said about any random windows laptop.

    As others have noted, if you want a Linux first laptop, there are options.

    However this idea that Apple spies on its users has no merit. It’s a claim I have only witnessed being made by the witless.

    I’ve been in the internet long enough to know not to expect fools to accept they are fools.

    Unlike the morons of the internet, I am always ready to be proven wrong. However, it doesn’t look like that’s about to happen here.