Same great Dharma, new Fediverse packaging!

Check out for ramblings on philosophy and the occasional creative writing project!

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023

  • I started using Linux in 2008. A friend of mine on an old forum showed me wubi and helped me get set up. When he went AWOL and stopped posting, I went on some Ubuntu forum and asked for help with a problem I was having (WiFi had stopped working randomly). Those people tore me apart and spit on my bloodied corpse. It was brutal. Apparently, I was a disgusting moron for using wubi instead of replacing windows (on my netbook with no disc drive) entirely. It was insane. I’ve since discovered that I’d just found a particularly toxic group by chance, and that most of the community is actually very kind. But at the time, it was genuinely hurtful. I not only stopped asking for help for a long time, I stopped learning about Linux and computers in general because I felt like it was something I’d never understand, I was clearly too stupid to get it.

  • I used high end android for a long time. The note series, mainly. When I had to step away from that, I switched to LG. I fucking loved LG. They were awesome. Half the price, and damn good.

    Since they’ve stopped, I’ve had the pixel 6, and an A53. The pixel 6 was glitchy AF, and Google won’t allow HDMI over USB, which is a major use case for me, and the A53 just sort of sucks.

    I miss high end android. :( but I won’t switch to iOS. I hate how locked down it is, and I’ve never liked the feel of the OS. I’m considering the pixel again, but no HDMI is really fucking with me. :(