just a triple a threat (agender, asexual, aromantic) doin’ their best.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • hey, sorry this is coming late! thank you for this. I was already looking at their documentation (I have a few times, as well as read their discourse forum) and joined their discord in preparation.

    I think this is a super good tip because I have been trying to parse what all I’d need to get familiar with before I touch anything install wise. I knew about the pinning a deployment thing, but I didn’t fully understand how, so thank you for laying it out for me!

  • I didn’t particularly like the layout styling in Pop!_OS and being so new to linux, I didn’t know how much I could change aesthetics wise. KDE looks more appealing to me, I don’t know if it’s because it looks like windows, but that might be a factor? it’s the default on the distro I wanna give a try (Bazzite) which also has nudged me in that direction.

    I wasn’t expecting so many people to have used Debian for things other than servers. I have it on a server myself, but I decided I needed something more set up for gaming already on my desktop. what led you to Debian specifically? the stability?

  • this is actually what I’m going to be giving a go! I have very little experience (I have servers that run Debian and DietPi, but I get help with those) with linux but I’m really excited to give the KDE version a try. and I’ve been trying to learn, too, because also my partner is going to be moving to a dual boot setup as well. been watching a lot of videos and reading a lot too, especially while my desktop is out of commission.

    do you find that anything is missing in Bazzite for you?

  • I’ve admittedly added an Intel NUC to my wishlist even before you mentioned it, hahahaha, in case the thin client ends up not working out. it only accepts m2s, and only two of them, but they can’t be nvmes which kinda sucks.

    from what I’ve read, though, apparently AMD stuff doesn’t gel well with transcoding, but I could have read incorrect info.

    I don’t actually have a clue on how to run a server that isn’t an RPi (since DietPi installs certain things for you) but maybe there’s hope I could copy the info from the old server to the NUC if things go that route in the future.

    how do you like audiobookshelf? I really have been enjoying podcasts lately (though they’re all writing related, so far) but I don’t really want to pay a subscription to listen to them on my computer, so I was considering trying audiobookshelf out.

  • thank you much for the list, and the links for Lemmy communities!

    I really just wanted something that could have separated recipes and grocery lists, because my partner is long distance and I wanted this to help them out too. those were my only requirements, I just hadn’t known my full range of options at the time.

    and thank you too for mentioning to look to solve problems. I’m trying to do that, and not go too deep off into trying to host things I don’t need. I had been looking for an RSS reader to keep up with some news things since I don’t go on reddit anymore, but I found out that Homarr has a widget for it. trying that out now.

  • KitchenOwl seems to be newish? it has multiple accounts and households, which is nice, but my family member complained it was unnecessarily complicated.

    I’ve seen Paperless around, I feel like it might potentially be useful for me, since I have a lot of medical stuff going on, plus doggo vet things. but that’s probably a future project, since I still have to add more things to my Jellyfin. thank you for reminding me it exists!