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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2023


  • Well, the article was written eight months prior to product release; so its value and relevancy takes a nose dive immediately. The very first phrase : “Tech companies want us isolated and constantly staring at screens because it drives profit.” shows an embarrassing misunderstanding of AR - perhaps the reviewer got confused with VR? They are two very different things and should not be confused. Those were enough red flags that the “journalist” had an agenda to follow and kind of played themselves there.

  • Broke my dual boot iBook (Mac 9.1.2 and OSX) in about ‘06 and was too poor to replace it; and my still to this day used Psion 5mx was… limited to say the least. I bought a super cheap net book that didn’t have Windows installed. After a week I discovered I could remove the (acer?) oem os and replace it with something I could burn onto a thumb drive. It was called “Ubuntu”, and could apparently do more. Seemed interesting and worth a shot. Stuck with that until the desktop went all weird (unity?) and then migrated to Mint. I only use laptops as a tool, so as long as I had a word processor, browser and media player alongside a traditional file system I was quite happy.