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Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • You could very easily build the system to perform the age check without logging it to the user’s ID since the check only needs to be performed once to create an account and just block anyone without one from seeing any of the content.

    Estonia has digital ID based services and they aren’t China. In fact China despises them because they’ve made the cutting edge in digital public services without having to compromise citizen privacy, which makes China look even worse for going out of their way to invade citizen privacy when it isn’t even necessary to offer the same safety measures and services.

  • I’ve been saying for a while now that the singularity isn’t going to be based in an AGI, ot will be minimizing quantum computing not just to a commercial scale, but to an implantable scale, and creating a neural “third hemisphere” implant which allows the user to basically have all the capabilities that human thought excels at over machines calculation, as well as all the capabilities of the reverse.

    If we hit that point before inequality is addressed, it will lead to the classes literally becoming different species from each other, an overlord owning class that has financial access to such expanded mental capacity, and the peasant working classes that are financially shut out of the expanded career potential the implants would provide.

    Not to mention the terroristic horror that could come from the implant not being solidly air gapped from the internet. Might be cool to perfectly calculate an optimal frisby toss, but it’ll be less cool if someone changed the trajectory you’re aiming along to turn the thing into a murder weapon by hitting a rando at just the right angle.

  • My ideal is dropping the month altogether for 13 week Quarters with the last day being an intercalary outside the week and same for leap days.

    If you wanna avoid huge date numbers, break it down further by weeks, so for example my BDay this year would be 3.10.3, third day of the tenth week of the third quarter.

    As for year counting, I like Era of History for the current era, dating to the invention of writing, Era of Legend, dating back 100k years to the earliest date that stories we have preserved now would have to date back to, Era of Evolution, which dates back to the development of Life on Earth, Era of Stars which dates back to the birth of the first Stars in the Universe, and finally the Era of Energy, in which the universe was so superheated that large cosmic structures were physically impossible, dating to the Big Bang.

    Today’s Date is 3.8.1; 5,224 EoH

  • I feel like schemes like this warrant a law that you’re failing your fiduciary duty as a company owner and can be sued by any of the stakeholders for it if you can’t prove failure to at least break even is due to genuine misfortune. Not even gross incompetence, that should just get you sacked with a dunce cap on top of having the company broken off and sold to a bidder that isn’t hellbent on stripping it for parts.

    That or company owners are only allowed to draw funds from the company’s profits and funds coming from anywhere else, including from layoffs and corner cutting, are seized at 150% the value stolen and the company owners involved get treated as though they had committed embezzling so long as the books can indicate that the executives and owners drew more in compensation than was recorded as profit.

  • Honestly this just makes me think that schools and universities should be shuffling their staff and teachers to keep one or the other school from becoming “the good one” that becomes a magnet for nepo babies and tomorrow’s burnout cases.

    That level of direct competition is just gonna lead to people who are NOT able to work cooperatively or really trust anyone.

    Plus breaking up the nepo clubs is important for keeping the social ladder at a reasonable angle to climb, college should be everyone’s chance to make important connections, not just for the Ivy League alums’ kids while everyone else gets told it’s about getting the piece of paper and having lots of free pizza while you’re doing it.