Ubuntu was great, until Unity debacle, when I switched to Mint DE. Few years later I returned to an Unity free Ubuntu just to be welcomed with snaps and Ubuntu pro.
Ubuntu was great, until Unity debacle, when I switched to Mint DE. Few years later I returned to an Unity free Ubuntu just to be welcomed with snaps and Ubuntu pro.
I used or it used me for a couple of years. Then while looking for a replacement I found the snap version. I installed it in a fresh Ubuntu VM and it just works.
I believe this is best alternative at the moment for my next Proxmox build, threadripper is out reach for me and Ryzen doesn’t have the PCI lanes or memory channels. So I guess my best option is a 7542 + Supermicro MB + 128G for about $1,000.
I had no idea this was so common.
You are 👍, nextcloud needs like 2 admin per each user. The snap version works fairly well even after a lot of virtualization layers. Proxmox -> Ubuntu LXC -> Snap -> Nextcloud