I would be happy to receive an invite :)
I would be happy to receive an invite :)
Nothing is perfect. Every distribution I used have had bugs at some point.
I would usually wait a while before, maybe until the first point release to upgrade so that there is time to iron out all the teething issues.
The actual problem is only encountered when the raspi-firmware package is (re)configured or when the kernel/initramfs is updated.
Have at look at this: https://wiki.debian.org/DontBreakDebian
I found this to be invaluable when I was borking stuff all the time.
My main draw towards Linux is the exact opposite experience. I have a Linux install that has been carried over three computer and two harddisk changes over 10 years and it’s still as good, or slightly better than it used to be.
My suggestion would be to start with something stable like Debian and read the manual when you want to tinker with it. Especially this: https://wiki.debian.org/DontBreakDebian
Loving it so far! Anyone know how to change the font or font size when you view the message body as plain text rather than HTML? All the font settings I could find in the gui are not changing it.
The desktop notifications are built in now. As for tray, I’m trying out systray-x.
Debian stable but be careful though, you might never leave after using it for a while :)
Except for Manjaro with their expired certs and DDoSing AUR. Or niche remixes that don’t patch stuff and don’t have a warning saying that our stuff is old, don’t use it if you care about that.
Yast. I love zypper and opi but yast is super weird. Like if you want to do things that you can do with yast, you probably know how to do it on terminal.