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  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 14th, 2023


  • If you want to save 1000ksh but you need to hail 3 or 4 drivers to take your price, then that annoyance is the cost.

    Uber’s algorithms make it difficult for drivers to cover the cost of doing the driving unless they can get high tippers or lucrative fares regularly.

    I’d also learned that since Uber doesn’t want to tell people they can’t find a driver, they will start at a terrible price, then if no one accepts the trip, the payout gradually increases until someone acquiesces. Unions would break this system of shortchanging the drivers by not accepting anything under the minimum level.

  • I found a solution today using Fcitx, the clipboard addon, and the default shortcut Ctrl+semicolon. However, it works more like a history that pushes each older item down, rather than 10 separately accessible boxes. It seems as though it will work with the use case you described.

    Note: I have no idea how well Fcitx is supported in Wayland.

  • For Steam games, it’s simply a matter of checking the “Enable Steam Play for all Other Titles”, and you’re all set. Depending on your library, 50-80% will work with no discernable difference, besides maybe a slightly longer download and open time. Check out protondb.com which will give you an idea of how many you can expect to work at least somewhat, including using your own Steam public profile if you wish.

    Some games will need a couple small tweaks, ie a specific Proton version to manually copy in, a game setting like Borderless Window, or worst case a few terminal commands but they are set and forget in every instance I’ve encountered. Protondb has comments of others who will share their experience and sometimes how they got something to run well if it doesn’t out of the box.

    Non-Steam games also work. Lutris is the easiest way to set it up, but it can be done manually too. Both wine and proton will work, let me know if you want a tutorial for manual set up but it’s too long for one comment.

    Now for issues:

    Drivers are okay for most general stuff (mic, headset, mice, keyboards, gamepads), specialized stuff requiring proprietary drivers is a crapshoot. I’ve a 2nd hand DAC I can’t use on Linux for Rocksmith.

    Games that will not work and likely will never rely on invasive anticheat. So it’s a waste of time to try and run Rainbow 6 Siege, Fortnite, Valorant or League of Legends. Without the anticheat the games could run perfectly fine.

  • There are some ads that I’m fine with, but they have to be clearly an ad, and related to the content on the site, not based on my previous interactions, nor using tricks to disguise ads as part of the content.

    On documentation pages: sure just have a thing related to CS courses, on pirating and streaming sites advertise VPNs, on horny sites advertise horny stuff, and casinos and sports advertise gambling and sports betting. But DON’T make the ad look like a section in the documentation, like another download button, like another horny video on the site, like another casino game or segment of the sports analysis. If I want to explore the ad I will, stop trying to trick me else I will try to block and avoid you entirely! If I figure out that are you spending more effort trying to trick me the less interested I will be in the product you offer.