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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Or when the network that the car relies on no longer exists. My old e-reader’s mobile connectivity no longer works because the phone company providing the service turned the 3G network off in the upgrade to 4G.

    It’s just 17 years old. People tend to keep cars for about that long. What happens then? Does it just become limited to basics only, or become a big metal brick?

  • A car is also difficult to ignore, compared to something smaller.

    A small expensive device that stopped working because the company shut it down is annoying, but you can at least put it to the side and ignore it.

    You can’t really do that to a car that has functionally become a paperweight because the parent company has gone under.

  • It just doesn’t really do anything useful from a layman point of view, besides being a TurboCyberQuantum buzzword.

    I’ve apparently got AI hardware in my tablet, but as far as I’m aware, I’ve never/mostly never actually used it, nor had much of a use for it. Off the top of my head, I can’t think of much that would make use of that kind of hardware, aside from some relatively technical software that is almost as happy running on a generic CPU. Opting for AI capabilities would be paying extra for something I’m not likely to ever make use of.

    And the actual stuff that might make use of AI is pretty much abstracted out so far as to be invisible. Maybe the autocorrecting feature on my tablet keyboard is in fact powered by the AI hardware, but from the user perspective, nothing has really changed from the old pre-AI keyboard, other than some additions that could just be a matter of getting newer, more modern hardware/software updates, instead of any specific AI magic.

  • I wonder if it would actually materialise, consisting the recent case where an airline company’s AI chatbot promised a refund that didn’t exist, but were expected to uphold that promise.

    That risk of the bot offering something to the customer when the company would rather they not, might be too much.

    It seems more likely that companies will either have someone monitoring it, and ready to cut the bot off if it goes against policy, or they’ll just use a generated voice for a text interface that the client writes into, so they don’t have that risk, and can pack more customers per agent at a time in.