The boom bust cycles in this industry have extremely high rates. There’ll be another boom in like 3 years
The boom bust cycles in this industry have extremely high rates. There’ll be another boom in like 3 years
No questions asked!
I wouldn’t go anywhere this guy tells me to go, nevermind to fucking Mars
Now that’s a true marketplace! (Feels weird to even joke about it)
Libertarians are just conservatives who are ok with weed and gay people
The CEO learning this at the same time as we are
We wanted to axe one of our two streaming services next month. This makes the choice pretty easy. The netflix catalogue sucks balls anyway
Are these laptop or desktop CPUs?
I noticed that with all my friends and family, once they get into the ecosystem, they can’t get out.
Apple has a lot of proprietary systems that forces users to get into the ecosystem. That ecosystem is expensive to maintain. And say you wanna switch back to android. Then you’re met with the sunk cost fallacy. What are you going to with all the hardware and services you bought that is now useless outside of the ecosystem?
Yep. Getting tons of AI / deepfake videos of Elon Musk selling get-rich-quick schemes