• 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Stupid question maybe, but would your backups even be safe? Sure, it was mentioned that you had to enter your sudo password, but let’s say you did that because you are careless, “rm -rf” would wipe all connected and mounted drives as well, so your backups would be gone, wouldn’t they? Or does Timeshift mount and unmount on demand? If so, what would happen if you ran “rm -rf” while a backup is being saved?! It seems to me that a simple “make backups” isn’t enough here.

  • I see that you dedicated a paragraph to NTFS. There are quite a lot of people saying there are problems with gaming on Linux using an NTFS drive but I’ve rarely (never?!) seen anyone actually having problems with it. I myself have been dual booting for years and some games are on an NTFS drive shared between Linux and windows for convenience and I never had any issues besides the fact I had to disable fast reboot in Windows.

  • This was my main gripe with the API changes. You would have to pay to keep your 3rd party app (even if just a few bucks a month/year) with all the nice features you got used to over the years and still you are effd because you only get a fraction of the posts via your (now paid) app. The blackout won’t change anything. They would never drop the nsfw restriction so even if they reduce the API price you are still effd if you rely on apps or bots that use the API.