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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • That, or you’re met with “why on earth do you want to do that?”

    To be fair, the XY problem is huge in anything coding related. Newbie wants to do X, has a vague and terribly wrong idea about how to do it (Y), then asks how to do Y instead. To give a “correct” answer to Y, assuming the question makes enough sense to have a correct answer, is less helpful than trying more or less tactfully to figure out what the actual goal was.

  • I think I misunderstood lemmyvore a bit, reading some criticism into the Lego metaphor that might not be there.

    To me, “playing with bricks” is exactly how I want a lot of my coding to look. It means you can design and implement the bricks, connectors and overall architecture, and end up with something that makes sense. If running with the metaphor, that ain’t bad, in a world full of random bullshit cobbled together with broken bricks, chewing gum and exposed electrical wire.

    If the whole set is wonky, or people start eating the bricks instead, I suppose there’s bigger worries.

    (Definitely agree on “low code” being one of those worries, though - turns into “please, Jesus Christ, just let me write the actual code instead” remarkably often. I’m a BizTalk survivor and I’m not even sure that was the worst.

  • Reducing mental load on the developer helps a lot. There’s no way you can say c is simpler than higher level languages.

    Sure, and… that’s why I didn’t say that, I guess? I live firmly in VM/script land - C# when I can, actually. Reducing developer load is fine by me and I don’t have a particular obsession with optimizing for performance - most things I do are not that exciting.

    My point is that there’s a difference between layers of abstraction that serve an actual purpose (loops, classes, garbage collection), and weird stuff that grows out of “innovation” that maybe wasn’t all that good an idea, but was tacked on something else for novelty or cargo cult reasons, or the wrong kind of laziness. The idea of being able to only target web is fine. The idea of occasionally shipping a browser with a particular app could be merited. I’m just saying maybe not half of every app needed to be bundled with a whole chromium installation.

  • Why do computers become more and more powerful, but programs continue to lag?

    Because instead of taking advantage of hardware to push boundaries in what we can accomplish, it’s exploited so you can turn everything into its own instance of Chromium, with all the bloat and overhead that entails, for the world’s simplest application. Even on mobile, where power consumption is allegedly important.

    The industry spends so much time reinventing wheels and shoehorning things into each other, instead of doing anything… useful. Can’t have a normal web page anymore because waaaah page loads, gotta be SPA, then you gotta reinvent all the stuff that you threw out to make an SPA - probably in the form of several dozen libraries, all of which also keep getting reinvented every other week. What’s that, the SPA is now a 4GB download and seven orders of magnitude slower than the page loads it was supposedly meant to avoid? Lol who cares. Put some more layers of transpiled javascript in there anyway. Keeping up with the NPM dependencies alone is now 40% of the manpower in the corporation? Don’t worry, it’s modular or some shit.

    It’s not even about the money, none of this helps generate actual value - in theory, being able to just target web makes sense, but not if relentlessly overcomplicated at every turn anyway. If the money/management people could tear themselves away from being phished for five minutes, and actually understood how much time and effort is being wasted on building mostly redundant card houses of mostly unnecessary tech, they’d have a stroke.

  • There’s no point spending twice the time making something that corresponds 1:1 to code - unless the code is truly horrific, and then you’ve got bigger issues. One generally assumes people involved with a project will know or learn relevant languages.

    It’s more commonly used for things that are less obvious from the source itself - like “what’s sent between the client and server in this handshake” or “what is the overall architecture of this part of the code”

    Flowcharts may be a bit more common when studying algorithms in general

    Edit; from your other comments, you seem to be talking about protocols, not algorithms. An algorithm is a set of steps to do something. A protocol is a description of how different systems interact such as in a chat application.

  • it completely ignores the collateral damage

    I don’t think so. I try to not be overly “conspiratorially minded” but I’d 100% believe in a millisecond that the “collateral damage” is the point all along here. Google is pushing constantly for more control and this is just another item in the long-ass list. After massive pushback on Manifest 3, they “cancelled” it a while back and now they’re right back pushing it again.