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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • The behavior isn’t normal - Without the error message itself it’s hard to say. You’re not seeing any tracker errors or anything like that within Deluge right?

    Otherwise shut down Deluge, enable logging, then re-start it. See “Enable Deluge Logging” in https://deluge-torrent.org/troubleshooting

    Maybe you want to set the log level to “error” or “warning”, if those don’t yield anything new then set it to “info” to log whatever error it is.

    Also maybe update your post with your OS and Deluge / LibTorrent version.

    For what it’s worth in the past I’ve sometimes seen Deluge error on a brand new private tracker torrent, sometimes the private tracker needs a few seconds or a minute to update the tracker and show seeds/etc. - in those random cases Deluge ends up talking to the private tracker before all that & that results in it displaying some error like torrent not found at tracker, I forget exactly what the error was. It’s a bit odd since I’ve never seen rTorrent/ruTorrent have that issue, seemed like a Deluge thing. Been a while since i’ve dealt with that and can’t remember how I fixed it, think it involved having a delay before Deluge attempted to load/start the torrent.

    for headless you get either Deluge or Transmission

    The paid Seedbox providers usually default to rTorrent/ruTorrent for headless torrenting on their Linux based systems. Deluge/Transmission are the alternative clients in those cases.

    Nowadays qBittorrent with webui enabled behaves pretty well on a headless system otherwise qbittorrent-nox is also an option.

  • I’d like to post some movie and TV show dumps somewhere, particularly that’ll be indexed by Torrentio

    Not a Stemio user but that requirement would limit your options right? https://torrentio.strem.fun/configure

    Based on that your choices are to apply for uploader status at 1337x, ThePirateBay, TorrentGalaxy (if it ever comes back up), or maybe Rutracker if you can deal with the English/Russian translation. Just getting an account at those sites may not be possible but you’ll need to try that to achieve what you want. Not sure if they’ll give you uploader status if you’re just uploading the same movie/tv content they already have.

    If you don’t care about Stemio you could try uploading to BitSearch / SolidTorrents, those are DHT crawlers (same database I believe). The admin does allow people to add torrent hashes to the main database there.

  • You’re just referring to scene releases for music right? It’s a bit confusing since you’re referring to bundles, scene releases can be on their own or in a bundle depending where you get them. Private torrent trackers with scene releases for music have that type of thing e.g. some scene trackers do a 0day bundle of music every 1-2 weeks, some scene trackers do individual torrents of those releases.

    I don’t download much music so it’s not something I’m well versed in but know it exists. Seems sort of annoying downloading a whole bundle of random music releases when you only care about 1-2 of the releases in the bundle. Then again having individual torrents for each and every music release does tend to lead to lots of dead unseeded torrents later on.

    Interestingly public torrent indexers tend to have other non-scene groups doing music releases. On the FLAC side of things I’ve seen EICHBAUM and PMEDIA show up a lot and I’m pretty sure those have nothing to do with scene.

  • When i disable the setting bittorrent -> torrent queuing i get over 20 active torrents that are seeding.

    This doesn’t answer your main question but maybe just leave it as-is and don’t overthink it? I find that torrent clients work best with torrent queuing disabled & letting the torrent client handle everything. Your torrent client is going to do the best it can with the available bandwidth/connections it can use - Definitely feel free to configure those if you want to control that a bit (“Global Maximum Number of Connections” and “Global Rate Limits”).

    Also remember it’s not just dependent on your own limits, each peer connecting to you has their own bandwidth/connection limits.

  • So, OP is downloading a torrent containing a sequential zip file?

    We’re in !jellyfin@lemmy.ml so OP is talking about downloading a media file (.mkv, .mp4, etc.). I don’t think Jellyfin can play .zip files (?) but could be wrong.

    So in the filesystem envision a .mkv movie file that exists but is only say 1% complete so maybe it is currently at 1 MB file size. This is a sequential download so it is downloading in order from beginning to end. Media players like Jellyfin, VLC, etc. can recognize and play this .mkv file, normally it’ll stop when it gets to the 1% data end which could be maybe 3 minutes of playback or whatever.

    The magic with a sequential download is that it is still downloading, in OP’s case the download is going faster than the media playback. So by the time Jellyfin finishes playing that first 1% of the file the torrent client maybe already downloaded an additional 10% so Jellyfin continues playing the file uninterrupted. Meanwhile the torrent client is still going, since the download rate is ahead of Jellyfin’s media playback that should mean that Jellyfin will eventually play the entire .mkv movie file uninterrupted from beginning to end.

    You can sequentially download .zip files as well, in that case it’ll just be this blob of data that starts at the beginning of the file data & goes through to the end. Not sure that is very useful to most people but if the sequential download grabbed the first/end pieces of the file maybe you can at least view the inside file listing of the .zip file before it finishes downloading, could be useful if you just want to preview it before the download completes?

    When I’m downloading .part zip files as part of one torrent, how can I go about continuing seeding but not having to have both the archives and the extracted files to save space? Is that even possible?

    Normally not possible, you need the untouched torrent data to exist to continue seeding.

    No experience with this but I’ve read that if you’re on Linux using a filesystem with FUSE you could sort of keep .zip files intact while still interacting with them, sort of like mounting the .zip files in the live OS. That might be more along the lines of what you’re after since you’ll be able to keep the .zip files untouched in that sense while still being able to use them elsewhere.

  • but metadata tagging

    Not possible to keep seeding changed data. Changing the file contents changes the file hash / torrent hash. There is no way to keep seeding a torrent that expects different file data.

    Not sure if it’s worth it but if you really wanted to keep seeding the original data then you’d need to keep a “torrent” copy of that data for qBittorrent and your own copy of the files elsewhere that you can tag and change as much as you like.

    and renaming fucks the files up.

    Similar solution to above, you could keep separate folders if you wanted.

    But technically as long as you never change the file data (e.g. no metadata tagging) then you could keep two separate folders and have the data hardlinked between them. That way you can rename one version of them as much as you like while keeping the original filenames in the other folder.

    e.g. simple example

    c:\qbittorrent\torrentdata\musicstuff <-- all files/subfolders hardlinked --> c:\mymusic\blahblah

    Alternatively you could do what the other commenter mentioned & rename the files within qBittorrent itself. Personally I prefer the hardlink method since that keeps the torrent client with the same expected file names it looks for, makes it easier to do things like re-install / re-seed the torrent client, switch torrent clients, etc.

  • I have a 13 series chip, it had some reproducible crashing issues that so far have subsided by downclocking it.

    From the article:

    the company confirmed a patch is coming in mid-August that should address the “root cause” of exposure to elevated voltage. But if your 13th or 14th Gen Intel Core processor is already crashing, that patch apparently won’t fix it.

    Citing unnamed sources, Tom’s Hardware reports that any degradation of the processor is irreversible, and an Intel spokesperson did not deny that when we asked.

    If your CPU is already crashing then that’s it, game over. The upcoming patch cannot fix it. You’ve got to figure out if you can do a warranty replacement or continue to live with workarounds like you’re doing now.

    Their retail boxed CPUs usually have a 3(?) year warranty so for a 13th gen CPU you may be midway or at the tail end of that warranty period. If it’s OEM, etc. it could be a 1 year warranty aka Intel isn’t doing anything about it unless a class action suit forces them :/

    The whole situation sucks and honestly seems a bit crazy that Intel hasn’t already issued a recall or dealt with this earlier.

  • Should be fine, just don’t cheap out on the external drive / cable you will be using. And when you’re using something like smartctl you’ll know right away if SMART info is passing through your USB for proper testing.

    I’ve done a lot of these type of scans via USB drives, honestly the more annoying part is that some USB drives do wonky things like go into sleep mode within 1-5 minutes which will disrupt any sort of scanning you had going. So with USB drive scanning I usually implement something to keep the drive alive and awake e.g. a simple infinite loop script to write a file every x seconds, or if you’re on windows you can also use KeepAliveHD.

  • is there anything you would recommend?

    You’d need to donate via whatever means they accept donations, it’s not something you get to choose yourself. Unless you meant that you are going to keep contacting FOSS projects to ask them to set up new donation methods?

    Personally I donate via crypto or other means that they allow donations via credit card (Liberapay / Ko-Fi work well IMO) . No Paypal/Venmo since I can’t use those services - some FOSS projects I don’t donate at all if they only accept Paypal.

  • however I can still seed the torrent how is that possible?

    Yes you can still seed as well as download. But you are limited and can only upload and download torrent data in swarms that contain peers that are themselves fully connectable (port forwarded).

    So say you join a torrent swarm that only contains peers just like you (firewalled, no ports forwarded) then no one will transfer any torrent data with each other. Everyone is stuck waiting for a fully connectable (port forwarded) peer to join that swarm.