I’m dumb lol, I use KES and it displays the domain unless their on the same domain (?) so I didn’t see anything after their username and figured I’d ask
I’m dumb lol, I use KES and it displays the domain unless their on the same domain (?) so I didn’t see anything after their username and figured I’d ask
Godot is really lightweight and the scripting (gdscript) is similar to python. It can be a bit rough around the edges but is my go to when making small games.
The documentation is pretty good,but nowhere near as available as something like unity. If I can’t find something in the docs,I’ve been using https://www.phind.com/ to generate a snippet which does a pretty good job of getting me going.
I’m by no means an expert,but if you have any questions feel free to reach out and I’ll help if I can!
What does it do?
I beleive SO recently switched from fastly to cloudflare, and some of the DNS records are taking time to catch up. If you having the same problem try flushing your DNS cache and the issue should be resolved.