DEAD ACCOUNT. does not have active administration and I need to move on. Catch me over at dbzer0:

Yet another Reddit refugee from the great 3rd party app purge of 2023. Obligatory fuck /u/Spez.

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • 2.5 is still really new in the networking space and nobody has hit economies of scale yet. I very much also want to build out my home LAN to be entirely 2.5g compatible since 1g is limiting for my NAS use case (video storage), 10g is overkill and not supported by my client devices, and I only need 16/24 ports. but good God the hardware just isn’t reasonable yet.

    You pretty much have to bite the bullet if you really want 2.5 right now. What might honestly be worthwhile is finding a used enterprise 1g switch with the number of ports you need, and will still be “enough”, as those can be had for only a couple hundred dollars. Sit on that for 2-3 years until the 2.5g and 5g hardware market starts to fill out and you can decide how badly you need 2.5g then

  • Jpg at 70% will lose a significant amount of detail. It is a “lossy” format, you cant judt compress data for nothing.

    AVIF is significantly more efficient than jpeg, so it loses less image data for higher compression (smaller file sizes).

    JXL supports both lossy and lossless compression, and is supposed to be more efficient yet over AVIF. However it’s got proprietary all over it because Google et al. For thst alone I would shy away from JXL and go AVIF.

  • They are meant for long-term preservation.

    This is basically a “distributed backup” of the entire database. The torrents are not actively serving files- they’re there to store multiple copies of the main database across the globe so that the entire database can be recovered (by anyone with the requisite knowledge, mind you) in the event that something happens to the original Anna’s Archive team or the main database is lost/seized by “law enforcement”.

    It’s equivalent to how backup managers in ye olden days would make broken up piece files of a certain size that could fit onto a CD or DVD, so you could fit the entire contents of a large 20+GB hard drive onto multiple smaller media. The backup itself is not accessed unless your main hard drive crashes, in which case you reassemble all the individual pieces back into your complete OS environment after replacing the hard drive.

  • Timd to update your criteria, friend. Seagate hasn’t been top of the failure stack for like 8 years now. The 3TB scandal era is long since passed. Now it’s WD who has been shitting on quality control, sending out faulty SSD’s that wipe user data, bait-and-switching HDD customers with a cheaper, much worse performing technology (SMR) WITHOUT TELLING THEM, them basically blowing corporate raspberries at everyone when people complain.

    While i agree they were the best, HGST also hasn’t even existed as a non-WD product for years…