A classic nerd from Norway.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • Jup, useless folder. There’s one related thing I’ve complained a lot about lately, so I’m gonna complain some more about it:

    Microsoft got this “great” idea of trying to repeatedly trick me into uploading that Documents folder to the cloud. A folder filled with GBytes of Battlefield and Assassins Creed cache files, Starfield mods, MS database files, etc… A lot of files that are in constant change, or locked the entire session. Annoying as hell. I love Onedrive, but I dont know why its so damn important for them to have those files.

    Sometimes I really wish I could switch to some Linux distro instead.

  • The way I see it, explaining others also helps me understand it better. If its so basic (or too advanced) that I get nothing out of explaining, then I leave it to better suited people to help them instead. Being on these kindsa forums, its supposed to be enjoyable for both the teacher and the student. I don’t see any shame in dropping it as soon as it turns frustrating.

  • Don’t need to tell me twice. I’ve distrusted Brave since I saw their advertisement for it. It just feels like they sell the browser in same mood as pyramid schemers does their products.

    But its just my gut feeling. Got no good reason why people should avoid the browser. And because the CEO is an ass isn’t a good enough reason for most people.