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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Using Kali? Easy if you have training. The capstone for our security course a decade ago was too find and exploit 5 remote machines (4 on the same network, 1 was on a second network only one of the machines had access to) in an hour with Kali. I found all 5 but could only exploit 3 of them. If I didn’t have to exploit any of them 7 would be reasonably easy to find.

    Kali basically has a library of known exploits and you just run the scanner on a target.

    This isn’t novel exploit discovery. This is “which of these 10 windows machines hasn’t been updated in 3 years?”

  • I don’t think either is actually true. I know many programmers who can fix a problem once the bug is identified but wouldn’t be able to find it themselves nor would they be able to determine if a bug is exploitable without significant coaching.

    Exploit finding is a specific skill set that requires thinking about multiple levels of abstraction simultaneously (or intentionally methodically). I have found that most programmers simply don’t do this.

    I think the definition of “good” comes into play here, because the vast majority of programmers need to dependably discover solutions to problems that other people find. Ingenuity and multilevel abstract thinking are not critically important and many of these engineers who reliably fix problems without hand holding are good engineers in my book.

    I suppose that it could be argued that finding the source of a bug from a bug report requires detective skills, but even this is mostly guided inspection with modern tooling.

  • You are making just such a weird argument and it sounds like you are retroactively trying to salvage a bad position because you made a mistake.

    1. If you care strongly about audio quality. A built-in doesn't have any quality guarantees… why then does usb vs hat matter?

    2. If quality is your concern why bring up price in the first part? It is blatantly obvious that cheap parts *might" equate to cheap quality. This is blatantly obvious.

    3. Obviously there will be USB solutions that are equal or better solutions than prebuilt rpi dac hats since the primary dac hats are exceptionally niche.

    This response just sounds like you got caught out in your mistake/bad argument. Why be a dick about it?