Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Swappable hard drives

    I have a ThinkPad with easy access to the hard drive. It’s one screw, remove a small panel and slide out the hard drive, slide in a new hard drive and reinstall the panel and screw. It all takes about a minute.

    I have a drive for my Linux setup and another for windows.

    I gave up setting up dual boot setups because I’m not as skilled or capable and I’ve lost entire setups in the past due to updates and changes and it was constantly frustrating for me. So I figured that just swapping hard drives was the easiest for me. No configuration, no changes and neither OS can interfere with one another.

    I use my Linux as my daily driver for everything and windows when I need something from windows. I only ever use windows maybe once a month or once every second month. I spend more time regularly updating windows than in actually using it.

  • I’ve been on Linux for about 15 years now … I’m no pro and I’ve never really advanced in anything with the terminal

    I tried doing stuff years ago but then I came at a crossroad … either spend my life learning the dark arts of the terminal and all the details of how every major system works … reinstall every time I have a new problem that I caused … or just leave everything alone and never tweak or adjust anything.

    For the past few years, I just install the latest stable version of anything I use and never bother touching or tweaking anything … never had a problem since.

  • Never trusted this setup to begin with because I didn’t trust Microsoft and I’m not all that capable or want to take time to sort this stuff out on a regular basis.

    So I just setup my ThinkPad laptop with two removable SSDs and I just swap one or the other whenever I need. The drive is easily switched, from power down, remove drive, insert other drive and restart only takes about two minutes.

    I’m not going to risk messing up my setup because two operating systems can’t work with one another.

    Besides I seldom switch, I use Windows if I really have to about three or four times a year.

  • I’ve been working at organizing a bunch of stuff I’ve been collecting over the years … data, writing, lists, ideas, whatever … I kept using all sorts of services, apps, websites, cloud services and all sorts of crap to maintain them all but eventually it all becomes too complicated and breaks down.

    I’ve since discovered just using simple text files and services that just use simple text mark down … no special service, nothing proprietary, easily transferable and interoperable.

    I started looking at websites the same way … I don’t care what it looks like, I just want to read the information … you made it too hard for me to read your simple text info? You’re asking me to turn off my ad blockers and turn on Java script? All to read 200 words on your site? I’ll skip it and move on to the next site that will allow me.

  • “We choose to go to the moon, not because it is easy but because it is hard”

    The previous social model of monetizing everything is also not working and terribly complicated and sends the majority of the profit to those who contributed nothing but their claims to ownership and entitlement. I’d rather live a world where we were constantly debating and discussing while sending the majority of wealth to those people who actually created something.

    Human cooperation will never be easy so we have to learn to live with that reality.