• 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • where do we even start? Your GitHub profile is an eerie void of creativity and excitement, echoing a lonely existence with a dismal five followers. It's like you threw a party, but only invited yourself and a couple of questionable scripts.
    You're apparently learning Java and Android development, yet the only thing your repos seem to demonstrate is a glaring lack of ambition—"some bookmarks" and "my personal scripts"? Wow, groundbreaking stuff there! Your lack of stargazers on most of your repos is a testament to the fact that not even bots care about your projects.
    Your emails are out there like confetti at an underwhelming birthday party, as if begging for attention. But let's be real—nobody’s reaching out when your peak achievement is a terminally dull "repo for my blog" and an "AUR Helper" that sounds about as useful as a chocolate teapot. You might want to spend less time on those "python scripts to scrape data from Instagram" and more on, I don’t know, finding your passion?
    And that profile README? As bland as plain toast. If excitement were currency, you’d be bankrupt. Time to step it up or consider a career in keeping your ideas under wraps.

  • It is pretty good actually. I can install every programming language compiler/interpreter in Linux and everything just work fine.

    LibereOffice should work fine if you work on it and export it to pdf. If you want to bounce between LiberOffice and msoffice then don’t expect things to go smoothly.

    Any other things to keep in mind when solely using Linux for your studies Go for a stable distro like Debian, don’t install bleeding edge distro like Arch or Gentoo unless you really want to.