I don’t even know what you’re trying to say
I don’t even know what you’re trying to say
This is a fallacy that’s been deconstructed so many fucking times the fact im about to do it again for you makes my tummy hurt a little bit but ill do it anyways
You’re interpreting that quote as there being either one issue we can globally engage in, or another. But that’s not how it is. You could also go into any thread talking about violence against dogs, or violence against the elderly, or against Palestinians, and make the same annoying pointless whataboutism and you wouldn’t technically be incorrect that violence against men is just as valid, but you’d still receive backlash every time. Why? Because you’re using this issue that’s near to your heart, violence against men, and instead of engaging with it in an honest attempt to improve the situation, you’re simply weaponizing it against others and their cherished social issues to the benefit of literally nobody.
You put activist in quotes but let me ask you, what op eds have you written? What charities have you donated to, nonprofits have you volunteered for? How many bricks have you thrown? I guarantee you none, because every single time I see someone doing the shit you’re doing, it’s the extent of their “activism,” and THATS where the quotation marks belong, on your shit, not anyone else’s.
I wanna hear the bullshit that definitely came out of that guys mouth
If it’s actually an important issue to you, why make your grand stand in the comments section of a post talking about a different issue
Israel is getting full-throated bipartisan support
They’re getting what
Side loading works great for this and it’s free
whos gonna prosecute any of this shit now
Yeah I’m curious too, I just hope I’m not being duped into seeding malware
Anti cheat works fine nowadays, I’ve heard that the only problems are caused by devs/publishers that explicitly don’t allow their games to launch on Linux. e.g. Elden Ring and Apex Legends both use easy anticheat; the former boots just fine on Linux while the latter doesn’t work no matter what you do
No sorry, it doesn’t make comments like yours necessary and if you want to know why scroll up and read again