• 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: December 1st, 2020


  • It is very hard, time consuming and boring to iron out those finishing issues in any software product. You need team of people being paid for that.

    When doing it for fun, I just go until it works and until it is fun. As soon as I come to those last 20% I never touch it anymore.

    So ai doubt it will happen until more companies start paying decelopera to do it. But I don’t see the business model in that, so I doubt it will get better fast.

  • It almost like a bot is posting this sentence every time SerenityOS is mentioned.

    Using “he” insted of “they” is not enough to call someone transphobic or misogynistic. It’s like you become fascist and are targeting people for one different opinion. Which is not even true.

    There are real problems transgender people are having, ladybird browser must be low on that priority.

  • These people started it and are doing it for fun.

    Fixing few decades of technical debt is not fun and a big question would be if their code would even be considered for existing engines.

    It us so much fin it already has over 1000 contributors. It got us 1k more people that understand browsers deeply. I think that’s a huge win whatever happens with browser itself

  • It is still young and underdeveloped.

    It is advertised to be simpler, but I don’t understand any of this words thrown in this thread. And I don’t care. Pulseaudio and pipewire is still making me troubles, even thou alsa worked without issues for me.

    Point it, make it clear and stable and we will come. Until than we will use the beast we know. It os mich easier when there are no options, but Wayland is fighting something that exists and it takes time and effort.

    Another problem is they pushed it to early and people got burned. Until I start seeing “I switched to Wayland in one command and everything works” I (as a user) will not touch it (unles my distro decides to drop X).

  • If you need CUDA for certain applications in example, its better to use Nvidia.

    Depends on budget. PyTorch works nicely on ROCm and, for me, bigger constraint is available VRAM than GPU speed and looks like AMD has cheaper RAM, comparing their cheapest 16GB cards AMD is 33% cheaper than Nvidia where I live, and there was some card 45% cheaper few months ago. Huge savings if on limited budget.

  • I never understand hate ladybird and SymphonyOS is getting in fediverse.

    People are doing interesting work against all odds, everyone ever just saying “it is not possible”, finding some random comments from project founder to hate.

    But you know what? You and your opinion is not important. People are not doing this to make Linux competitor or Mozzila competitor but to have fun and learn something new.

    I also don’t want apple near it, but Andreas learned browser development on Safari and with looking for “popular enought” memory safe language it is rust vs swift and just by looking at the code becomes obvious how easier Swift is to pick up. Especially for someone comming from C++.

    Haters gonna hate, I wish them luck. Failing is ok too.

  • I also thing we just need to find use cases where it is working.

    While it will not solve everything, it did solve some things. Like you have found, I have used it for generating simple artwork for internal documents, that would never get design funding (even if it would I would have spent much more time dealing with designer), rewriting sentences so it sounds better, grammar check, quick search engine, enciclopedia, copywriting some non important texts…

    I would pay few bucks per month if it wasn’t free. I gave it to grammarly and barely use it.

    So I guess next step is just reducing cost of running those models, which is not that hard as we can see by open source space.

  • It really depends on your needs. 3D printing community is very satisfied with FreeCAD, and GIMP is great for my needs when I need to find a way to increase visibility of some features in drone images and than make python script to repet it hundreds of times. No way I could do it in in PS. Making it run under wine already takes too much time.

    And it is not only about money for license but about freedom.

    I always see coments like this, and while I appreciate sharing of experience it is just being boring. At least add something specific and don’t be a bot.

  • I am in the linux world 20+ years. Used SUSE for short amout of time back than and never really cared much about it, just glad it still exist.

    This is the first time I am hearing openSUSE is not part od SUSE.

    Having different name should be good for all. I think openSUSE people should have done it long time ago. But sounds like name is not the only problem.