And the voices. “Billy…”

“You fucked the whole thing up.”

“Billy, your time is up.”

“Your time… is up.”

  • 27 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 9th, 2024


  • Low level programming C

    Could be pretty much any computer


    Need a lot of memory (8-16 GB) if you are planning on dissecting any existing projects

    Machine Learning programming with Python

    Start with colab / huggingface and get a feel for what level of hardware you need for the stuff you’re doing before you start buying stuff

    If you want just a general high quality system with upgradability etc, or System76 are supposed to be good high end providers.

  • I once watched a depression era family member of mine dismantle a Chinese take out container, flatten and wash the cardboard part of it and then put it in the paper recycling, and straighten out the wire handle to put into a little jar with other wires and bits of metal.

    Same family member once showed me a stack of paper grocery bags she had taken into her place from her building’s paper recycling, upset that someone had thrown away perfectly good paper bags.