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Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Hyundai and Kia upgraded their cars’ anti-theft tech in early 2023. Vehicles equipped with the enhanced software will only start if the owner’s key, or an identical duplicate, is in the ignition.

    Fucking… What? A 2023 anti theft technology upgrade added the space age cutting edge concept of starting the car with… the key?

    If my car could start without the key in the bloody ignition I’d be furious, that’s what the key is for, haha. You can add extra doohickeys to enhance security, but the first line of defence is the key that starts the car.

    Absolute madness.

  • Damn, I knew the original term was offensive now and had wondered what they replaced it with, intellectually disabled sounds kinda offensive too xD

    Like, it’s not just saying this person has a cognitive disability, but that they’re lower on a class level as well.

    I know that’s not the intent and it’s miles better than the old offensive term, but something like “cognitively disabled” sounds much less offensive than “intellectually disabled”. Wish they went with something like that.

    I think it’s probably because the term intellectual is used in society to describe a class of people (e.g. “Why yes, I’m an intellectual, I read Yeats while you people read the daily rag”) who tend to think of themselves as better or smarter than others…

    So, calling someone “intellectually disabled” sounds like it’s an insult someone from that class would use on someone they wanted to look down on, you know?

    I’m glad they moved away from other misused medical terms, but yeah, pity they settled on a term that sounds like it’s throwing shade ><

  • Just going from the headline, I assumed the “Heritage Foundation” was a non profit that worked to preserve our civilisation’s historic buildings, locations, works of art and culture.

    Turns out they’re just bigoted fascists, I guess? Huh.

    A lot of those over in the USA at the moment. I mean, we have our fair share in Europe too, but ya know, it feels like it’s reaching a tipping point in the USA where fascists have by now infiltrated everything at all levels… :-/

  • Obinice@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldtoxic help forum
    4 months ago

    It looks like this was asked in a GIMP forum, […] It’s super rude to ask that in that forum.

    Why? Just because you’re using a forum for a piece of software, presumably because you want to receive or offer help on using the software for the most part, doesn’t mean you’re obsessed with it and hate all other alternatives that exist.

    It’s software, not a religion. These people need some perspective.

    Imagine being in a community where being asked about alternatives is considered extremely rude. What a weird group of cult-like obsessives that would be. Creepy o.O

    Also regarding why one would ask GIMP users about alternatives, theoretically these would be the best people to ask for GIMP alternatives. They presumably know the software well, and have probably tried alternatives (because they’re not obsessive weirdos that worship a single brand image their whole lives), and can give good answers on what alternatives exist and how they compare to GIMP in its current feature set.

    They may even actively use multiple softwares on a regular basis. There’s no law against using GIMP and one or two similar pieces of software that perhaps have slightly different features or are better at one thing vs another.

    It’s not rude to put a reasonable question about a piece of software and how it exists in the ecosystem to a group that knows a lot about that software. It isn’t a sacred holy cult object of worship. It’s just a program.

  • Yeah, it does a fab job of giving me playlists in each of the moods/genres/decades I tend to listen to most, giving me a mix of tracks I know and stuff I can discover. I’ve found sooo much new music I love that way!

    The AI voiced DJ is fun too, it’s surprising how psychologically satisfying it is to have a personal lil DJ, even when it’s basically just generating those same playlists under the hood, with a few tweaks.

    I’m glad there are offline/open source solutions people are posting of course, I don’t want Spotify to ever be the only choice or some kinda monopoly. But yeah, if you’re happy using a service like that and spending a reasonable amount on a subscription, it’s fantastic :-)

  • What’s that about only getting 720p though? My TV shows the 4K HDR stuff great from places like Netflix or Prime, has done for years now, and my TV isn’t even new. Surely all modern stuff will show all that high definition stuff just fine.

    I think my browser does too, though I only have a 2K screen as of recently on my PC, but I’m certain it’s not playing video in 720p for sure. It’s at least 1080p if not more.

    But yeah, these services aren’t giving enough bang for their pound these days, it’s reaching insulting levels, it’s unsurprising people are forced into piracy.

    The consumer (or if you prefer, the market) decides what someone is worth, and if it’s being sold for above market value… people won’t buy. Simple as that.

    We’ve shown we’re happy to pay a reasonable amount of money for these services, and yet they insist on squeezing exorbitant amounts of money out of us for less and less value. Madness.