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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • I’ve run into exactly the same issue with my large ttrpg ebook/pdf collection (+100k file data hoarding… it’s not a problem, I swear) and I’ve not really found a good option I’m entirely happy with. Calibre duplicates everything and I don’t like the thought of having my collection’s organization tied to a specific piece of software if I just delete my duplicates. Plus I’m elitist and think the UI/logo are gross to look at.

    Zotero is the least worst option I’ve found, but it’s geared towards scholarly journals and such, so not great, but serviceable. Not sure if it’s on linux though.

    Jellyfin is apparently able to handle ebooks with a plugin, though I didn’t particularly care for it when I tried it months ago.

    There’s a handful of other ebook software out there, mostly geared towards comics/manga, so depending on what you have those might be worth looking for.

    I’d like to use Obsidian for it and just turn the directory into a vault and let it automatically scan the folders for files, but that doesn’t work great either.

    The best piece of software I’ve seen that could potentially handle it is an app called Stashapp… which is unfortunately geared towards adult film. But it’s feature-set if it could be applied to PDFs seems like it would be ideal.

  • That’s what I thought too, I was like, “Maybe I hid it from myself and I hid it too good,” but I checked through all the usual hiding spots and unusual spots. Maybe it will show up again years from now in some stupid place like taped to the inside a toilet tank or something dumb, but I went through every room as methodically as possible and checked/re-checked anywhere I might’ve hidden it from myself. I’m so annoyed.

  • I feel you, mine got lost/stolen about 6+ months ago, seemingly just inside my house, since I never take it anywhere. I’m not a hoarder, keep a relatively tidy house, though I have kids (so tidiness is only ever temporary). I turned over and looked through literally every room in the house, every cupboard, shelf, drawer, and piece of furniture was checked and re-checked and still, nothing. I only just got over it a few weeks ago and broke down and got another one, but this time got an AirTag for it. I’m just more annoyed at the not knowing part, hopefully it’ll just turn up in some stupidly ridiculous place that it hadn’t occurred for me to look, but I suspect I won’t see it again. I doubt it was stolen, since that’s seemingly the only thing gone. Potentially one of the kids broke it and, rather than tell me, they trashed it, but that doesn’t seem like them either or one of them would’ve broken ranks and confessed.

    It drove me insane trying to find it before and it still bothers me, but at least I have a Steam Deck again.

  • I used Win10 mostly without issue and when I transitioned to Win11 that went without issue as well and it’s been pretty much smooth sailing the whole time. The few annoyances I had with it, I was able to find something that fixed the issue, it just works. The only thing I really didn’t like was that the only reason I transitioned to Win11 as early as I did was because of an update they sent out that made it sound at the time like I had to switch over, something about the wording made it seem like I had no choice, I remember it being a bit confusingly worded. I had wanted to hold out as long as possible on Win10, but because of that went ahead with the switch. It’s been fine since then, but I would’ve preferred not having to switch because of that.

  • It seems more like a niche thing that’s useful for generating rough drafts or lists of ideas, but the results are hardly useable on their own and still require additional work to finesse them. In alot of ways, it reminds me of my days working on a production line with welding robots. Supposedly these robots could do hundreds/thousands of parts without making a mistake… BUT that was never the case and people always needed to double-check the robot’s work (different tech, not “AI”, just programmed movements, but similar-ish idea). By default, I just don’t trust really anything branded as “AI”, it still requires a human to look over what it’s done, it’s just doing a monotonous task and doing it faster than a person could, but you still can’t trust what it gives you.

  • I have encountered this issue before when I tried using Obsidian my RPG pdf collection (10,000s of files), would not recommend. I do still like Obsidian and will keep using it, but would something like Trillium work as a sort of PDF library software for a massive amount of files like that? The main need is to be able sort/categorize game systems using tags, link to pdfs, and maybe have some sort of Dataview-esque query capabilities. Zotero is the least worst option, but it still has some annoyances for me and I’ve still been looking for something that could help me organize better. I know this is billed as a note-taking app, so it’s a weird use-case, but Obsidian was pretty close to being a decent solution, if not for the slow speed issues.