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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • I have no idea what people are fucking up tbh.

    It’s 2 button clicks to cast stuff, I just went and sanity checked.

    The internet is full of disinformation and idiots though so I usually just assume people are the issue, when I have the same hardware and zero issues.

    I don’t think chromecasts have even gotten any kind of major change updates in ages so it’s bizarre for it to change behavior.

    I’m gonna just keep going with “people are dumb” until someone posts some concrete example (IE an actual video) of wtf their issue is.

    The chromecast is designed so simply though that I can’t imagine wtf people are fucking up.

  • I wrote it up elsewhere, but I don’t mind the price point.

    The built in ethernet port covers a lot of that.

    A solid quality ethernet dongle is gonna be $25, so now that’s $75 for the 4k CCwGTV + ethernet.

    So you’re paying $25 extra for the better form factor (2 chained dongles look so bad), the extra ram, better processor, etc

    For some folks that might not matter, but I use Steam Link on my CCwGTV and those specs will likely make a tangible boost in gaming performance for quality, frame rate, latency, input lag, etc.

    So in my demographic of people gaming with em, I 100% expect it’ll be a popular upgrade.

    The ethernet part is pretty big, overall. Don’t overbook that.

  • The built in ethernet cable seems almost worth it.

    It’s around $15 to $20 to add on a usb c ethernet dongle to the existing CCwGTV dongle if you want high speed connection to it (which you prolly do if you wanna stream 4k or lower latency game with Steam Link )

    Better quality dongles are closer to $25 if you dont want it to crap out.

    So, assuming the onboard ethernet is comparable to a higher end dongle, you’d be looking at closer to $75 to get the same experience with the Older CCwGTV model. ($50 + $25)

    Add in the higher specs and the fact that chaining 2 dongles together looks ugly as fuck and easier to fail, and the +$25 remaining ($75 -> $100) is not actually too horrible of an extra price.

    $100 for a better form factor (the dongle does look bad), better specs, built in ethernet, it’s not terrible ngl.

    I game with Steam Link all the time on my CCwGTV so I 100% am gonna spend the money on better specs so I feel like I’m taking better advantage of my 4060ti I’m Steam linking to.

    If it has a better bluetooth card too that’s gonna be even bigger, better wireless controller range is awesome.

    That extra RAM is not something to scoff at.

    The extra storage is kinda dumb though, prolly the real cash grab. I doubt anyone was maxing out their CCwGTV storage capacity o_O

  • Why is this being framed this way.

    Rebranding the next gen of your product isn’t “killing” it, people are so fucking clickbaitable.

    It’s the same product, just next gen with better specs abd they’re going with a new simpler brand name than “Chromecast with Google TV” (yes that’s the actual product name before) and instead the next gen is named “Google TV Streamer”

    It’s the exact same thing, and all existing hardware will keep working.

    Chromecasts are standalone and effectively just running a modified version of Android. They can’t really be “killed” as they work over local network. Theoretically any chromecast will last forever as it’s functionality is based off a specified open source protocol, so as long as you have a device that can output it (cast), you can cast to your chromecast.

    So it’s impossible to “kill”. I have a gen 1 chromecast that still 100% works fine today.

    Newer Chromecasts ahem Google TVs just have more features, like apps you can install and sideload.

    People are dumb for falling for this clickbait title.

  • Might wanna read it again, it’s right there :)

    The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.

    It’s an incredibly critical part companies love to completely ignore.

    If you assign devs to teams and lock em down, you’ve violated a core principle

    And it’s a key role in being able to achieve these two:

    Agile processes promote sustainable development.


    The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.

    This is talked about at length by the likes of Fowler, who talk about how locking devs down us a super fast way to kill sustainable development. It burns devs out fast as hell.

    Note that it’s careful not to say on the same project

  • That’s actually a pretty important part of its original premise.

    It’s a big part of why scrum meetings were a thing, as the expectation was any curious dev could just join in to see what’s up, if they like.

    Not tying devs down to 1 specific thing is like the cornerstone of agile, and over many years of marketing and corporate bastardization, everyone had completely forgotten that was literally the point.

    The whole point of the process was to address 2 things:

    1. That client requirements can’t easily be 100% covered day one (But you still need to get as many as you can!)

    2. To avoid silo’ing and tying devs down to specific things, and running into the one bus rule (“how fucked would this project be if <dev> got hit by a bus?”)

    And the prime solution posited is to approach your internal projects the same way open source works. Keep it open and available to the whole company, any dev can check it out, chime in if they’re familiar with a challenge, etc.

    One big issue often noted in non-agile companies (aka almost all of them) is that a dev slent ages hacking away at an issue with little success, only to find out far too late someone else in the company already has solved that one before.

    An actually agile approach should be way more open and free range. Devs should be constantly encouraged to cross pollinate info, tips, help each other, post about their issues, etc. There should be first class supported communication channels for asking for help and tips company wide.

    If your company doesn’t even have a “ask for help on (common topic)” channel for peeps to imfoshare, you are soooooooo far away from being agile yet.

  • I’ve literally never actually seen a self proclaimed “agile” company at all get agile right.

    If your developers are on teams that are tied to and own specific projects, that’s not agile.

    If you involve the clients in the scrum meeting, that’s not agile.

    If your devs aren’t often opening PRs on a variety of different projects all over the place, you very likely aren’t agile.

    If your devs can’t open up a PR in git as the way to perform devops, you aren’t agile.

    Instead you have most of the time devs rotting away on the sane project forever and everyone on “teams” siloed away from each other with very little criss talk, devops is maintained by like 1-2 ppl by hand, and tonnes of ppl all the time keep getting stuck on specific chunks of domains because “they worked on it so they knpw how it works”

    Shortly after the dev burns out because no one can keep working on the same 1 thing endlessly and not slowly come to fucking losthe their job.

    Everyone forgets the first core principle if an agile workplace and literally its namesake us devs gotta be allowed to free roam.

    Let them take a break and go work on another project or chunk of the domain. Let them go tinker with another problem. Let them pop in to help another group out with something.

    A really helpful metric, to be honest, of agile “health” at your company is monitor how many distinct repos devs are opening PRs into per year on average.

    A healthy company should often see many devs contributing to numerous projects all over the company per year, not just sitting and slowly be coming welded to the hull of ThatOneProject.

  • Yup, I usually have it set to the slowest setting when typing.

    I find I work much better and can think clearer while walking, as it keeps the blood flowing and makes me feel more awake and engaged.

    If I have a tough problem I’m trying to work through I turn the speed up to a faster pace and sorta just work through it in my head while speed walking, often this helps a lot!

    During meetings when I’m bored I also turn the speed up a bit.

    I often get around 10k to 12k steps in a day now.

    Note I don’t stay on the treadmill all day long, I usually clock a good 4 hours on it though.

    Then I take a break and chill on the couch with my work laptop, usually I leave my more “chill” tasks like writing my tests for this part, and throw on some Netflix while I churn all my tests out.

    Highly recommend it, I’ve lost a good 15ish lbs now in the past year since I started doing it, and I just generally feel a lot better, less depressed, less anxious :)

  • I have heard of jupyter but am not familiar with its nuances.

    But doing python dev with neovim is very doable, it uses the same LSP I think.

    I personally have a dedicated dev machine running debian that has everything on it, including nvim configured.

    I SSH into my dev box from other machines to do work, because neovim is a TUI it “just works” over SSH inside the terminal itself, which is what I like about it.

    It feels good to just

    1. SSH into my box
    2. tmuxinator my-project-name

    And boom, 4 tmux tabs pop open ready to go in the terminal:

    • nvim (pointing at the project dir)
    • lazygit already open
    • nvim (pointing at my secrets.json file elsewhere)
    • an extra general console window opened to project root

    And I can just deep dive into working asap in just those 2 steps, it feels very smooth.

    I often can even just do tmux a (short for attach) to just straight re-open whatever session I last had open in tmux, instantly jumping right back into where I left off.