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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I’m on the extreme end. Any kind of “recommendations” are an immediate and complete turn off for me. Not just the obvious stuff like “sponsored” posts or “algorithmic social media” feeds. I abhor and avoid even things like Spotify recommendations, which most people consider useful.

    Whether they intend it or not, these engines are built to funnel you back into the lowest common denominator, most broadly appealing stuff, because that’s what the algorithm sees gets the most clicks from the average person. Sure, everyone likes oatmeal, but that’s because its bland and inoffensive.

    I want to find my own shit through my own idiosyncratic process.

  • I’ve worked in the industry for the last 11 years, and my experience is that the industry has changed dramatically.

    In 2012, there were still huge niches in smartphone software that has not yet been filled. There were also almost no barriers to entry - a team of <10 people rapidly expanding didn’t have to think about Cookie Banners or Google Play store delisting. Finally, there was the promise of a huge payout - the win condition for a startup was to BE the next Google.

    In 2023, dominant players have captured all aspects of the software experience and when a new idea becomes popular (Snapchat in 2016 is a good early example), big tech has the lawyers and developers to simply clone it with a higher budget (e.g. Insta & FB Stories, Youtube Shorts). Because of scale, big companies can more easily afford to deal with regulation and can even sometimes regulate their competitors (Play Store). Finally, big tech is guaranteed high payout for developers - these days, the win condition for a startup isn’t to BE the next Google, its to be acquired by Google.

    The eventual end of all this is Google continuing to strangle open & free Android by buying/shutting down any new ideas and extracting more and more rent from its platform.

    The only way to opt out is to move to non-Play AOSP alternatives.

  • I’m a senior at a large tech company - I push all the teams I work with to automate the review process as much as possible. At minimum, teams must have a CI hook on their pull request process that runs a remote dryrun build of the changed packages. The dryrun makes sure the packages compile, pass unit tests and meet linter rules. A failed build blocks the pull request from being merged.

    I try to encourage developers to turn the outcome of every code style discussion into a lint rule that fails the dryrun build when its violated. It saves time by automating something devs were doing manually anyway (reading every line of code to look for their code style pet peeves) and it also makes the dialogue healthier - devs can talk about the team standards and whether the code meets them, instead of making subjective comments about one another’s code style.