I made mine with Hugo. It’s super simple and looks great.
I made mine with Hugo. It’s super simple and looks great.
I agree. This is the best choice for audio books.
I mostly played it on the steamdeck and it worked quite well with acceptable frame rates.
You seem to be missing your username in the volume paths, e.g. /home/username/Documents.
Fair enough
Boost works really well.
One example would be always showing the current weather.
That would really be neat.
Having different font styles depending on the context is a really nice feature. I’ll definitely give it a try.
I still don’t get, why the S20FE does not support eSIM. Isn’t this just a software feature or does it actually require some special hardware?
True, I wouldn’t know which app to use if it ever breaks.
I’ve been using Palabre for years. It’s an app for Feedly but so much better than the official app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.levelup.palabre
Yes, I’ve set up Waydroid and it works quite well out of the box.