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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I hardly use mine. I bring it with me on plane rides but find myself just watching movies instead. Trying to play on a plane and having to share an arm rest, idk it works out better in my head than in practice.

    I find I really need to play a game consistently to stay interested, and that makes the deck hard cuz I reserve lighter games for it, like ori, but since I play so infrequently I don’t really end up being interested in the game I startup on there.

    OTOH I play PC regularly, no battery concerns, much larger screen, better visual fidelity. The deck just isn’t reinforcing enough.

  • i hate how popular it’s become to hate on AI amongst people who know little to nothing about it.

    I completely agree, but the inverse is also true:

    I hate how popular it’s become to depend on AI amongst people who know little to nothing about it.

    Honestly the article is actually dissing the people, not the technology. It’s about a dude who has no other contributions to society just wanting to absorb in AI tech and rely on it for literally everything.

    I’m an AI enthusiast, but I absolutely do not have the same perspective on it being used in that way. To me, they are picking on a subculture of incel/antisocial humans who want to use AI as a crutch, which doesn’t really make any sense, which is why they’re idiots.

    That said I think you may be right about the strawman. I mean, I personally haven’t met anyone obsessed with AI like the onion dude is described. Could be a made up persona, but with the way tech companies are going I don’t think so.

  • I feel like this is inevitable with any new tech. Social media, cryptocurrency, instant messaging, the Internet itself. ML is the new kid that people want to use any way possible to make money, until they realize as you said it can only help in so many situations.

    More often than not a nice sql query and some programming gets the job done.

    I don’t think it’ll stay this way forever, just a lot of annoying hype atm, but I don’t fault the technology itself for that.

    I actually did an ML project at my job, much to my chagrin, to develop a chat app that lets us ask questions about our product.

    It actually turned out really cool and was dead simple to implement. Now our employees (customer service team esp) can ask questions with a “trust but verify” approach to solve customer problems and surface information quickly. Saves a lot of time otherwise spent sifting thru documentation and support articles.

  • soloner@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlGoing from nvidia to amd
    1 year ago

    I don’t understand this community… it’s like discussion can’t be had because people’s opinions of linux get in the way of it somehow.

    I don’t have any expertise here or I would offer my thoughts. Just frustrated to see the top comments not being helpful at all.

  • I believe index for the classical need to iterate through an array. E.g.

    for (i = 0; I <= arr.length; i++) { var thing = arr[i] … }

    So to me it stands for “index” for array lookup.

    Before map and iterators were implemented in a lot of languages, this was the defacto way to iterate a list. At least this is how I learned it in java/c back in the day. Nowadays I think most OOP languages including java have implemented the “for … in …” Syntax or similar which deprecates this convention.

  • I literally would not work for a company if they made me do story points.

    We do have a scope rule which is intentionally ambiguous, but the idea is a ticket ought not take more than 3 days, and some can be quicker. We expect the average time to meet our velocity and prioritize accordingly. If an effort seems like it will take longer we try to divide it into smaller tickets.

    There may be like 5 tickets a year where this doesn’t hold true and we are ok with it. Nothing to be religious about.

    The other issue is the amount of points it is totally depends on who does the work! It’s a garbage system to estimate work. Makes people think they have some sort of idea that is more misleading and harmful than just saying “I don’t know exactly but you can expect it to get done promptly because we’ve taken proper steps to analyze and break down the work to be bite sized and delivered consistently.”