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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • It absolutely is, I even set up stremio on a fire stick for my sister and she is absolutely technologically illiterate and would never have understood kodi but with stremio she is doing just fine!

    I’m not really sure what you are asking in the second part though. If I’m running stremio on my laptop then I have my airvpn connection running in the background so everything is going via that connection.

    On the fire stick I use the proton VPN app and open that up, connect there then all the traffic on the fire stick is forced to go through there.

    Using either method the stremio traffic has to go via the respective VPN. Maybe I’m missing something with the question though so if I’m being stupid please say and I’ll try and help further :)

  • Personally I love to see someone downloading a shit load of stuff from me. Someone recently got a whole labels releases from me of over 30gb but that just tells me they have good taste in music as far as I’m concerned so I then explored their files and ended up getting a lot of interesting stuff in return.

    I think these people with all their locked files asking for shit like gift vouchers in return for the privaledge of downloading a file from them are scummy, so the way you’ve approached it sounds great to me, you are sharing so grab whatever you need from people. Hopefully they will then explore your files and the cycle repeats!

  • You and me both man, I have a system and a workflow for tagging and adding new music that kind of works for me but it is convoluted and not optimal mainly due to the software. I really liked lexicon though and for what I wanted to do it served me really well so I’d recommend at least checking it out as an option.

    I have just played around for about 45 minutes and so far it is really promising to be honest. My controller had a mapping already built in that just needed to be selected along with my audio routing options, everything that I regularly use seemed to be working as expected on the controller, including the preview function which I didn’t expect.

    The screens and the motorised jog wheels on the controller don’t seem to be implemented in any way but I don’t care about the motorised wheels and the screens aren’t exactly essential, just nice to have.

    I pointed it at my music library and it scanned through it, ready to play in around 10 minutes (13500 tracks) which compared to traktor and serato is blindingly fast xD

    It seemed to read the majority of my tags the way I have them set up just from looking at it quickly and it read my traktor collection file without me even pointing it to it so I had all my playlists with no hassle what so ever.

    There are quite a few options with different skins etc so I need to sit down and have a proper look through stuff as the main things I didn’t like with this initial try were visual based things just from where I’m used to things being a certain way. These are all things I can get used to having differently over time anyway bit there are also plenty of settings I didn’t look into so I may be able to change it to be more familiar anyway.

    Overall it was up and running quickly and easily. No fucking about with anything really, just set my controller and audio routing in options and I could pretty much have played straight away.

    I’d give it a try if i were you, I’m going to delve into it deeper over the weekend I think and see what options I have but so far so good!

  • Yeah both serato and trakor from my experience are a bit like that in terms of “fuck you we are doing this” approach to their software.

    I have just given it a quick 45 minute try (so not exhaustive) but unfortunately I don’t think it is where you want it right now. My motorised platters do not work with it that I can see and I cannot find any mention of stems, it isn’t something I use so I’m not that familiar with it.

    The mapping on my controller seems to be pretty decent and the stems button I have does nothing so I’m guessing it isn’t a feature yet to have any kind of implementation :(