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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • Respectfully, you were the one who pointed out the impact of the Network Effect.

    The adoption of a product by an additional user can be broken into two effects: an increase in the value to all other users (total effect) and also the enhancement of other non-users’ motivation for using the product (marginal effect).

    Thus, users don’t need to understand the credentials of the platform if the network effect is strong enough, but as users leave the network, the value (credentials) of the platform as a whole decreases.

    Another way to think about it is that the amount Twitter “matters” is directly related to how much we collectively agree it matters. While not directly transferable, I’d suggest that Keynes’ Animal Spirits concept can help us to understand why this might be the case - prevailing attitudes towards a platform can have a profound impact on their value.

  • I don’t know anything about your situation, and I truly don’t need details, but if you think you can’t afford access to any news outlet, I don’t think you’re trying hard enough.

    Since you’re apparently too poor to access any way to entertain or inform yourself, I’m guessing you’ve had ample time to mull over solutions to this problem, and I’m eager to learn what an ideal solution would look like from your perspective.

    Are you cool with paying for your news in exchange for your data/ads? Is there part of the editorial process we could remove to save money? Maybe we don’t need fact checkers and should just assume that journalists know what they’re talking about?

    I’m not sure how we simultaneously provide free journalism and ensure that those journalists have enough to eat themselves, but I share in your convictions that democratizing information is imperative.

    From where I sit, it seems like news organizations have moved away from showing ads for revenue to some extent, so the only option we have is to include news in our monthly budget and support journalists as much as we can.