Now do a price comparison! I’d love to see who pays the most.
As if we already don’t know the country stays with a U and ends in SA.
It is my 1st amendment right to spend half my life savings treating an easily treatable disease that I ignored for 5 years because preventative care is too expensive dammit!
You have savings?
I’d be curious to see this if that same country had affordable healthcare, would be interesting to see if they’d beat South Korea. I imagine a lot avoid because $
Dont need to go to the doctor, I’ll just rub some robitussin on it, or drink horse dewormer. If my white friends send me thoughts and prayers that oughta cover just about everything until the sweet lord Jesus calls me back to sit at his right side and judge all the goddamned idiots on this planet.
Part of the issue for Canadians is lack of access to healthcare. My province has a waitlist that people are stuck on for 10+ years waiting for a general practitioner. Even people I know that do have a doctor aren’t satisfied with the doctor, but they can’t switch because of the lack of alternatives.