What fonts are you currently using on your system? Which do you think is best for the terminal or for your desktop environment?
(updates) Ok I think I’m a fan of Ubuntu nerd fonts right now
Personally, whatever is default.
I know that may sound weird, but I’m a huge fan of sane defaults that I don’t even notice are there.
SegoeUI, it’s damn good and well made
Poppins, RobotoMono, Comfortaa and OpenDyslexic
For desktop, I’ve liked Lato, Source Sans Pro, and Inter to name three.
For terminal, I used Iosevka’s customizer to create a gorgeous Fira Mono-like variant that I call Iosevka Firesque:
[buildPlans.IosevkaFiresque] family = "Iosevka Firesque" spacing = "term" serifs = "sans" noCvSs = true exportGlyphNames = false [buildPlans.IosevkaFiresque.variants] inherits = "ss05" [buildPlans.IosevkaFiresque.variants.design] capital-g = "toothless-corner-serifless-hooked" capital-q = "crossing-baseline" g = "single-storey-serifed" long-s = "bent-hook-tailed" cyrl-a = "single-storey-earless-corner-serifed" cyrl-ve = "standard-interrupted-serifless" cyrl-capital-ze = "unilateral-serifed" cyrl-ze = "unilateral-serifed" cyrl-capital-en = "top-left-bottom-right-serifed" cyrl-en = "top-left-bottom-right-serifed" cyrl-capital-er = "open-serifless" cyrl-er = "earless-corner-serifless" cyrl-capital-u = "cursive-flat-hook-serifless" cyrl-u = "curly-motion-serifed" cyrl-capital-e = "unilateral-bottom-serifed" cyrl-e = "unilateral-bottom-serifed" brace = "straight" ampersand = "upper-open" at = "threefold" cent = "open"
Pusab (I’m a gd player)
Hack nerd font is my go to for terminal use.
I’ve been using Fantasque sans mono for a bunch of years now.
Whatever the default font is
I find comic sans mono actually looks surprisingly nice for coding and terminal.
Fira Sans / FiraGO by Mozilla, and the new SUSE font by SUSE.
Fira Code and Caskaydia Cove Nerd Font for monospace. For other uses, I’m usually good with whatever the system ships with.
I use M+ Fonts for most of my stuff.