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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • What are you even on about? One person could conceivably add CSAM to a torrent that you eventually download, and you could find yourself subject to a criminal investigation.

    I’ve gone my entire adult life downloading copyrighted material without using a VPN

    “I’ve been fucking multiple partners weekly my entire adult life. without protection, and I haven’t gotten AIDS yet.” <— That’s you. That’s what you sound like.

    You are giving your ISP every thing that a rightsholder needs to harass you, with your understanding that laws and corporate policies currently protect you from that harassment. But you ignore that those policies can be changed, and those changes can apply to data you’ve previously given to your ISP. When rightsholders start arguing “think of the children” and pointing at such torrents, that’s the kind of thing that gets laws and policies changed.

    Why give them the information in the first place? Why not keep that information away from your ISP? Why trust them to do the right thing when you can easily deny them the ability to do wrong?

  • That level of paranoia is a waste of energy.

    I know I am paranoid, but am I paranoid enough?

    Identifying and evaluating vulnerabilities is a critical component of any security plan. In a good one, any vulnerabilities will be well outside the scope of feasibility.

    Why would some Hollywood studio plant CSAM in a torrent?

    To cast FUD on piracy in general. To inextricably link “pirate” with “pedophile” in the mind of the general public. To convince the general public to treat copyright infringement as criminal rather than a civil matter.

    That would implicate them as well.

    They hire or extort someone to initially seed from some third world ISPs, and the swarm takes over from there. It never gets traced back to them.

    It would cost them far more in legal fees to come after me than to just leave it alone.

    You aren’t the objective, just the means. The purpose is to make piracy a truly objectionable practice in the eyes of the public.

    None of this is a likely threat, but is any of it completely outside the realm of feasibility?

  • You don’t have any justification to be that condescending. Your security practices are reliant on the law, and the law is not a factor under your direct control. It has changed without your input before, and it will change without your input in the future. Meanwhile, your ISP is building a record of your non-compliance that it can provide to rightsholders just as soon as it likes.

    Good security practice minimizes reliance on factors outside your control. You can’t control whether your ISP has your personally identifiable information, but you can deny them knowledge of your data transfers. You can’t control whether a VPN has knowledge of your data transfers, but you can deny them knowledge of your PII.

    Also it definitely would cost them if they told me “we have not responded to this notice from the rightsholder” and then turned around and did exactly that. That would be a flat out lie to their client.

    As of the time of their letter, they had not responded to that notice. They could respond tomorrow without ever having lied to you. You would not have grounds to sue.

    Just out of curiosity, will your Canadian ISP and your (current) Canadian laws protect you when a rightsholder portrays you as a pedophile instead of a pirate? If they anonymously publish a torrent containing their movie and some hidden CSAM, are you fucked?

  • In the context, yes: you’re teaching kids that someone else will be protecting them from harm, so long as they obey arbitrary rules and restrictions. That’s the exact mindset someone needs to have to be susceptible to a cult, and the exact opposite of the mindset needed for responsible interaction with the general public, either in person, or over a network.

    Better they be taught early that nobody can offer them complete protection against all harm, and show them how to protect themselves.

    Denying them access to because you can’t control what they see, or how they will use it? That sounds like the behavior of a cult leader, not a parent.

    And you think the best things for developing minds to exposing them to these groups because according to you “it is just marketing”.

    I think that by age 10, a kid should have a debit card and begin making some of their own purchasing decisions. I think they should be learning to budget their money early, when mistakes cost them tens of dollars instead of thousands.

    And before that, they need to understand the very kinds of marketing that you are talking about. They need to know that advertisements are inherently deceptive, and to evaluate them critically. Your “Delores Umbridge” approach to teaching defense against the “Dark Arts” of marketing isn’t going to cut it: they need direct, actual exposure.

  • There have been priests that taught sex education using your logic.

    The kids who “learn” from such priests are kids who haven’t been exposed to proper sex ed. Generally, they’ve learned that sex is something that should be concealed. It’s a secret that the kid isn’t supposed to know about, so of course they don’t tell anyone about it, because they know how to stay out of trouble.

    Gatekeeping the Internet works the same way. If you’re going to do that, you might as well download the sex offender registry and invite them all to the kid’s birthday party.

  • What’s happening now is recording everything you show a reaction to, whether enjoyable or not, and use it against the user.

    “Use it against the user”… For what? You make it sound nefarious, but it is just marketing. You aren’t being blackmailed. People are trying to sell you stuff. They’ve been doing that since forever.

    Again, “marketing” is not the problem with social media. The harmful part of social media is the fucking people. Especially for kids, who are trying to figure out how to get along with everyone, but haven’t yet learned that most people are assholes who should be ignored.